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Ethics Hotline

An independent ethics hotline for City employees, suppliers, citizens and other interested parties to report fraud, waste or abuse in city government.

NAVEX Global, an outside company that specializes in ethics and compliance, will professionally receive all hotline calls and guide you through the reporting process. We are committed to protecting your anonymity to the extent permitted by the Oklahoma Open Records Act. All hotline reports will be investigated.

Please call the toll-free phone below and leave any information that you would consider helpful, or send a web-report directly from a computer.

NAVEX Global
1-844-892-3191 (toll-free 24hrs - 7 days/week)
or visit online 

What to Report?

This reporting method is intended to report indications or suspicions of fraud; misuse of resources by City employees, vendors, or contractors; and suspected violations of City policy. Here are some examples of reportable offenses:

  • Abuse of work hours
  • Bribes, kickbacks
  • City policy violations
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Embezzlement of finances
  • Ethical violations
  • Fictitious claims
  • Inappropriate use of City credit cards
  • Misuse of City property
  • Theft of City resources

This is not a city services complaint line. For questions or complaints regarding city services or neighborhood concerns, please contact the Customer Care Center 311 or report online.