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Strategic Plan

The mission of the City of Tulsa is “Build the foundation for economic prosperity, improved health, and enhanced quality of life for our community.” Residents and City employees worked hard to create the Comprehensive Plan for long term growth which was adopted in 2010 and can be viewed online. The Action and Implementation (AIM) Plan clearly outlines the actions to be taken by the organization to achieve Citywide outcomes and fulfill its mission. The AIM Plan will be used to inform our budget and departmental action plans to ensure that resources are aligned with goals. 

Read the Final AIM Plan | AIM Roadmap: Employee Spotlight Videos

Our Mission, Our Vision, Our Values | AIM Presentation

A Message from the Mayor

"Tulsa is a city that expects to compete globally. Doing so requires high expectations of ourselves, and a strategic plan to accomplish our goals. Every member of our team at the City has an important part to play." – Mayor G.T. Bynum

Common Strategic Plan Language:

Outcome Desired: The AIM Plan will guide departments on how they should allocate resources and how to create more detailed action plans to achieve city-wide strategic goals.

Employees at all levels of the organization will be able to connect the work that they do on a daily basis with the four AIM areas to make Tulsa a globally competitive, world-class city.

Process: The Office of Performance Strategy and Innovation led the effort to interview stakeholders, gather input and feedback, and use the information to advise elected officials on what the community wants, how our partners in the community can work with us to achieve the goals, and how our internal resources can best be aligned to make the greatest impact.

Tulsa’s Strategic Documents:

Oklahoma Quality Foundation Application 2018