The Tulsa Metropolitan Utility Authority is a public trust organization created by City Charter. TMUA's primary responsibilities are to manage, construct, and maintain Tulsa's water works and sanitary sewer systems, and to fix rates for water and sewer services rendered within its boundaries.
The TMUA has a board with seven members - the Mayor and six others who are appointed for terms of four years. No more than three appointees may be of the same political party. The board elects its officers. Currently, the following individuals serve on the board:
Board Members:
Mayor G.T. Bynum
Richard Sevenoaks, Chairman
Lou Reynolds, Vice-Chairman
Rick Hudson, Secretary
Jeff Dunn
Stephanie Vickers-Regan
Jim Cameron
Jeremy K. Ward, Special Attorney
TMUA Meeting Schedule
Regular meetings of the Trustees of the Tulsa Metropolitan Utility Authority, A Public Trust, are held at City Hall - 10th Floor North Conference Room, 175 East 2nd Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74103. Meetings are held on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 9 a.m., unless otherwise noted. Meeting agendas are available online.
Lamarcela Mayo
Board Secretary to TMUA, RMUA
City Hall
175 East 2nd Street, 13th floor
Tulsa, OK 74103
(918) 596-1824
fax: (918) 699-3217