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A Better Way Tulsa offers real change by...

  • Giving people experiencing homelessness who panhandle an alternative to panhandling three days a week.

  • Paying participants a day’s wages to beautify our community during each service day.

  • Connecting participants with life-changing services in the community, such as housing, mental health and addiction treatment, and other more sustainable employment services.

How It Works

A Better Way VanBetter Way Tulsa is made possible through a collaboration between the City of Tulsa, Hille Foundation, Tulsa Authority for the Recovery of Energy (TARE), Mental Health Association Oklahoma and the Maxine and Jack Zarrow Family Foundation.

Through roving van outreach, A Better Way makes stops at targeted “hot spot” areas within the City of Tulsa that are known for panhandling and homelessness, including pedestrian walkways, medians, and overpasses.

The A Better Way van is in operation three days a week. Mondays and Fridays are randomized pick-ups throughout the city, starting its journey at 7 a.m. and Wednesday meet at 8 a.m. starting at the A Better Way sign at Denver House, 252 W. 17th Place.

Participants can call (918) 518-1134 to sign-up to participate with the A Better Way program.



Wednesday Pick-Up at, Denver House, 252 W. 17th Pl.

Want to Help?

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Tulsa’s A Better Way initiative helps give people impacted by mental illness and homelessness an alternative to asking for pocket change on street corners.

This is your opportunity to offer a different kind of change -- the kind that pays people for a day’s work beautifying our city.

Your generosity makes a difference by helping to give people the dignity of work as they connect to life-changing services in our community, such as shelter, housing, mental health and addiction treatment, and other more sustainable employment services.

If you would like to help, visit the Mental Health Association of Oklahoma page today.

Create Real Change