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Recycling for Businesses, Schools and Apartment Complexes

The City of Tulsa offers a voluntary curbside recycling service to residential customers. However, the City of Tulsa does not offer services for commercial customers such as businesses, schools, and multi-family dwellings. These facilities should contract with a hauler or commercial recycler for collection and disposal of recyclables.

A directory of resources for recycling is available though the Metropolitan Environmental Trust. The site includes a list of commercial vendors who may be contacted to provide recycling services.

Before signing a contract for recycling services, ask these questions:

The answers to these questions are important when completing a waste assessment or characterization.

Business Guide for Recycling Solid Waste

(from Chapter 1 of the USEPA's Guide,

Successful waste reduction programs hinge on careful planning and organization. The first key steps to getting started are:

The support of company management is essential for developing a lasting and successful waste reduction program. Stressing the range of benefits that can come from waste reduction, such as cost savings and enhanced company image, will help sell the program to management.

*The Waste Reduction Team
The waste reduction team is a group of employees who are responsible for many of the tasks involved in planning, designing, implementing, and maintaining the program. A team approach allows these tasks to be distributed among several employees and enables employees from all over the company to directly contribute to reducing waste.

Typically, members of your waste reduction team are responsible for:

The size of your team depends on the size of your company and should be representative of as many departments or operations as possible.

Team members can be volunteers or appointed members. Members must be enthusiastic about the waste reduction program and able to commit time to the effort.

Company management or the team should appoint a knowledgeable and motivated team leader. Depending on the size of the company and the type of program being implemented, the position can require a significant amount of time and energy. The leader must be capable of directing team efforts; administering the planning, implementation, and operation of the waste reduction program; and acting as a liaison between management and the team. Likely candidates include a facilities manager, an environmental manager, or an employee who has championed waste reduction in your company. If possible, the task should be incorporated into the person's job description.

Once your team has been established, members should meet regularly to develop a plan and begin program implementation. large facilities incorporating many different options will need several months to start up a program. Department-specific or more modest programs might be implemented in less than a month. Some businesses might even be able to implement simple options within a matter of days.

In any case, the investment of time and resources at this stage will likely be returned by the savings realized through a successful waste reduction program,

Program Goals

While the general objective of any waste reduction program is to reduce the amount and/or toxicity of municipal solid waste being generated, your first task as a team will be to work with management to establish and record specific, preliminary goals for the program. These goals might include enhancing the company's corporate image or increasing operational efficiency. The goals should be based primarily on how much waste reduction is possible given the level of effort that the company is willing to dedicate to the task.

The goals set by the team will provide a framework for specific waste reduction efforts to follow. Keep in mind, however, that the preliminary goals set by the team should be flexible, as they might need to be reexamined and adjusted as specific waste reduction options are considered later on.

Notifying Personnel

Once the general direction of the waste reduction program has been established, present the program to the rest of the company. This is a good opportunity to get employees excited and generate some momentum behind the team's efforts. The first step is an announcement from the president or representative of the upper management of the company, demonstrating that the program has full management support and is a high priority for the company. The announcement should:

Your program is more likely to succeed if you solicit suggestions from employees for reducing waste. To reduce paper, the announcement should be posted in a prominent place, circulated, or distributed through electronic or voice mail, if available. Throughout the duration of the program, periodic communications (in the form of centrally posted memos or announcements, for example) can help maintain employee support, Employees are likely to appreciate being asked to join in your company's waste reduction efforts, and such offers will encourage consistent participation.