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Water Quality

2024 Water Quality Report

Tulsa's Water's annual water quality reports are the “consumer confidence reports” produced annually to describe the overall quality of water from its raw collection and storage to the treated water at your tap. The Environmental Protection Agency mandates these reports. The report lists any regulated compound that was tested for in the previous calendar year that had a detectable result, even if the result was well below the acceptable levels set by the Safe Drinking Water Act. The report is distributed in June of each year to every utility customer in Tulsa. To obtain a hard copy please call Water Quality Assurance at (918) 591-4378.

Archive Water Quality Reports

Water Hardness

Water is referred to as hard or soft because of the presence of minerals in the water. In eastern Oklahoma, much of the water used for public water supply comes from lakes (surface water). This water has flowed over the ground in streams or rivers until it reaches a lake where it is stored and eventually consumed. Another type of water - groundwater - flows through soil and permeable rock before it trickles out into a stream and eventually a lake. As water moves, it picks up minerals from the rocks and soil. Two of these minerals, calcium and magnesium, accumulate and create the "hardness" rating of your water. This rating is measured in Parts Per Million (ppm) or Grains Per Gallon (gpg). The more minerals present in the water, the "harder" it is.

Water hardness is not a safety issue. Water is safe to drink no matter what the hardness rating is.

Grains Per Gallon (gpg) Parts Per Million (ppm) Rating
less than 1.0 less than 17.1


1.0 - 3.5 17.1 - 60

Slightly Hard

3.5 - 7.0 60 - 120

Moderately Hard

7.0 - 10.5 120-180


over 10.5 over 180


Hard Water Evidence in Your Home

Hard Water Benefits