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Mayor Bynum Implements Dashboard Tracking System for Community Priorities

This article was archived on 6/4/2017

Mayor G.T. Bynum announced today that the Office of Performance Strategy and Innovation has implemented a community priority dashboard system where citizens can track the progress of outcomes important to the vitality and future growth of Tulsa. 

In December 2016, Mayor Bynum established the Office of Performance Strategy and Innovation to empower the City organization to use data to align citywide strategies toward priority goals set by the Mayor and City Council.

“This is an important step in our work to make Tulsa city government more strategic and transparent,” Mayor G.T. Bynum said. “As our community pursues clear goals that will make us more nationally competitive, we want to empower every Tulsan with the ability to track our progress and hold elected officials accountable.”

Currently, two dashboards are available on the city’s website at,

The City plans to create strategies and dashboards in the coming months for Animal Welfare, Municipal Courts and the 311 Customer Care Center.

For more information about the Office of Performance Strategy and Innovation and city dashboards, visit: