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Executive Orders

Executive orders are listed in chronological order. Orders that have been rescinded or superseded are still listed, but no longer available.


2024-06 Executive Order No. 2024-06 directing that net proceeds from the sale of City of Tulsa real property shall be deposited into an Asset Management Fund or Subfunds for future appropriation, subject to City Council approval, for expenditures relating to the City facilities maintenance and real estate activities; excepting restricted funds, repealing and rescinding Executive Order No. 2018-04

2024-05 Executive Order No. 2024-05 creating the Beyond Apology Commission

2024-04 Executive Order No. 2024-04 rescinding and repealing Executive Order Nos. 2021-02, 2019-06, 2017-01, and 2016-03 in deference to the Route 66 Commission established by ordinance.

2024-03 Executive Order No. 2024-03 for the appointment of Christina M. Basgall as City of Tulsa City Treasurer (Rescinds 2022-07

2024-02 Executive Order No. 2024-02 superseding Executive Order No. 2015-01; providing for the establishment of a Food Purchase policy.

2024-1 Executive Order No. 2024-01 for Write-Off of Uncollected Receivables, providing an update to the appointment of committee members and procedures for the Finance Department Write-Off Committee and rescinding Executive Order No. 1996-04


2023-04 Executive Order No. 2023-04 creating the Office of the Chief Data Officer (OCDO), consolidating functions, abolishing the Office of Performance Strategy and Innovation (OPSI), superseding all previous Executive Orders in conflict herewith and rescinding Executive Order Nos. 2005-03 and 2019-08.

2023-03 Executive Order authorizing Department Directors to execute affidavits, required by Title 60, Oklahoma Statutes, Section 121, for any deed where the City of Tulsa is a grantee, in the Mayor's stead.

2023-02 for the establishment of the City's Safety Oversight Committee - Revising the members who comprise the Safety Oversight Committee and rescinding Executive Order No. 2015-06.

2023-01 Executive Order No. 2023-01 which is creating and abolishing departments; transferring and assigning function and duties to and between departments and superseding all previous Executive Orders.


2022-07 Executive Order No. 2022-07 Appointing Tammy J. Pitts as City Treasurer

2022-06 Executive Order No. 2022-06 Establishing and Adopting the City of Tulsa Language Access Policy

2022-05 Executive Order No. 2022-05 Establishing a Compensation Disclosure Requirement for Executive Employees of Authorities, Boards and Commissions.

2022-04 Executive Order No. 2022-04 Abolishing Divisions for the Management of Departments of the City of Tulsa, as previously configured; establishing the Divisions of Finance, Culture & Recreation, Capital Investment, Deputy Mayor, Fire, Police and Law

2022-03 Human Resources, Executive Order No. 2022-03 Superseding Executive Order No. 2014-03 Amending the Post Employment Health Plan (PEHP) Advisory Committee

2022-02 Mayor’s Office, Executive Order No. 2022-02 Appointing Interim City Attorney Jean Ann Hudson

2022-01 Mayor’s Office, Executive Order No. 2022-01 Rescinding Executive Order No. 2018-09 regarding the Downtown Coordinating Council


2021-6  Executive Order No. 2021-06 Abolishing divisions for the management of departments of the City, as previously configured, establishing the Divisions of Finance, Culture & Recreation, Capital Investment, Operations, Administration, Fire, Police and Law and superseding all previous Executive Orders in conflict herewith.

2021-5 Executive Order No. 2021-05 superseding Executive Order No. 2018-06, establishing the Mayor's Designee for the purpose of travel authorization and updating personnel policies and procedures governing employee travel.

2021-4 Executive Order No. 2021-04 rescinding Executive Order 2021-03 And Terminating Civil Emergency

2021-3 Executive Order No. 2021-03 Superseding Executive Order No. 2020-13 and Proclaiming a Civil Emergency.

2021-2 Rescinded. Superseded by 2024-04.

2021-1 Executive Order No. 2021-01 Amending and Restating Executive Order No. 99-03 Creating the Deferred Compensation Board of Trustees


2020-18 Authorizing City Animal Control Officers to issue citations for violations of Title 26, Section 105, Tulsa Revised Ordinances, regarding dogs that are off-leash.

2020-17 Establishing Affordable Housing Trust Fund Committee.

2020-16 Executive Order Abolishing Divisions for the Management of Departments of the City, as previously configured, establishing the Divisions of Operations, Administration, Culture and Recreation, Economic Development, Police, Fire, City Attorney and Finance.

2020-15 Executive Order Authorizing certain Tulsa City-County Health Department Officials and Working in Neighborhood Officials to issues citations as they relate to the measures approved in Title 27 (Ordinance No. 24490) and Title 24 (Ordinance 24491) related to the COVID-19 pandemic

2020-14 Executive Order Establishing Acceptable Forms of Signature on City Documents

2020-13 Executive Order

2020-12 Executive Order Rescinding 2020-11

2020-11 Executive Order Declaring a Civil Emergency and Limiting Access

2020-10 Executive Order Replacing Executive Order 2020-9

2020-9 Executive Order Replacing Executive Order 2020-8

2020-8 Executive Order Replacing Executive Order 2020-07 And Proclaiming A Civil Emergency

2020-7 Executive Order Repealing Executive Order 2020-02, Replacing Executive Order 2020-05, And Proclaiming A Civil Emergency

2020-6 Appointment of Christina A. Chappell (Rescinds 2019-02)

2020-5 Executive Order Extending 2020-2 and 2020-4 and Proclaiming a Civil Emergency

2020-4 Executive Order Proclaiming a Civil Emergency and Superseding 2020-3

2020-3 Executive Order Proclaiming a Civil Emergency and Superseding 2020-1)

2020-2 Executive Order and Proclamation Issued Pursuant to Civil Emergency Authority Limiting and Closing Certain Commercial Businesses

2020-1 Executive Order proclaiming the existence of civil emergency regarding the COVID-19 Virus


2019-08 Rescinded. Superseded by 2023-04.

2019-07 Executive Order for Appropriate of 'Improve Our Tulsa' Park & Recreation and Community Development Priority Project Funds.

2019-06 Rescinded. Superseded by 2024-04.

2019-05 Executive Order Establishing the City of Tulsa’s Non-Discrimination Policy

2019-04 Executive Order rescinding Executive Order 2019-03.

2019-3 Executive Order establishing a Curfew, ordering that Access to the Areas directly impacted by Extensive Flooding within the Corporate Limits of the City of Tulsa due to the May 2019 Weather Events shall be restricted as determined by the City of Tulsa Incident Commander or His Designees

2019-2 Appointment of Melissa C. Stice as City Clerk (Rescinds 93-19)

2019-1 Appointment of James B. Wagner (Rescinds 93-20).


2018-9 Amending Executive Order 2009-05, regarding the Downtown Coordinating Council, amending the Name of Two Participating Member Organizations and addressing an Additional One-Year Term for Outgoing Chairs (Amends 2009-05

2018-8 Executive Order Establishing Guidelines for Expenditure of Public Funds for Gifts, Gratuities and Similar Purposes.

2018-7 Executive Order appointing Chad Becker as Deputy City Treasurer.

2018-6 (Repealed and Replaced by 2021-05) Executive Order establishing the Mayor’s Designee for the Purpose of the Travel Authorization and Updating Personnel Policies and Procedures Governing Employee Travel

2018-5  Executive Order abolishing the Divisions of Planning and Development, the Division of Resilience, and the Mayor's Office of Human Rights and establishing the Division of Planning and Community Development, the Division of Economic Development, the Division of Resilience and Equity, and the Mayor's Office of Resilience and Equity

2018-4 Executive Order to effectuate an administrative effort to ensure appropriate funding of the “Economic Stabilization Reserve” Fund created by the City of Tulsa Charter, in full compliance with the Constitution and Laws of the State of Oklahoma and the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Tulsa.

2018-3 Executive Order establishing the basic policy for all City of Tulsa data classification and creating Personnel Policies and Procedures Section 827

2018-2 Executive Order ensuring Compliance with Oklahoma Law Regarding Parking Meter Fees which cannot be revenue producing measures

2018-1 Executive Order establishing the City of Tulsa Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Program to support a competitive and diverse business environment in the Tulsa area by promoting the growth and success of local small businesses


2017-04 Executive Order rescinding Executive Order 2016-01, which required an affidavit for City Classified Service Merit System Appointments and Promotions for which the Mayor is the appointing authority, in its entirety.
2017-03 Executive Order revising and replacing Executive Order 2017-02 - Reading Partners Tutoring Initiative
2017-02 Executive Order creating the Reading Partners Tutoring Initiative
2017-01 Executive Order updating the Executive Order creating the Route 66 Commission.


2016-5 Executive Order abolishing and establishing divisions.

2016-4 Executive Order removing request for criminal history for certain positions with the City of Tulsa.

2016-3 Executive Order Rescinded. Superseded by 2024-04.

2016-2 Executive Order creating an Advisory Committee (Title 5) Mayor's Office for Human Rights for the purpose of conducting a comprehensive evaluation and make recommendations regarding the feasibility of altering the membership of the Human Rights Commission. (Download)

2016-1 Executive Order requiring affidavit for City Classified Service Merit System Appointments and Promotions - Resinded by 2017-04.

2015-07 Executive Order Utilizing Open Data and Creating an Open Data Advisory Board.

2015-06 Executive Order revising the members who make up the Safety Oversight Committee (rescinds and supersedes Executive Order 2013-03)

2015-05 Executive Order rescinding Executive Order 2012-04 and establishing a Fleet Management Steering Committee (FMSC) to work with the departments for all fleet acquisitions.

2015-04 Executive Order establishing guidelines for Vending Machine Services provided in buildings and on properties either owned or leased by the City of Tulsa.

2015-03 Executive Order amending Executive Order 2014-02; renaming the Division of Community Development to the Division of Community Development and Transportation, while abolishing the Division of Public Facilities and Transportation; also renaming the Human Rights Department, the Mayor's Office for Human Rights.

2015-02 Executive Order abolishing the Mayor's Audit Committee and Repealing Executive Orders 92-05 and 2009-03

2015-01 Executive Order clarifying the City of Tulsa's policy on establishment of a food purchase policy for the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma; and providing clarification of the purpose of this Executive Order establishing the food purchase policy (Supersedes Executive Order 2001-01)

2014-05 Executive Order clarifying the City of Tulsa's policy on employee compensation and benefits, including, lack of authority to promise annual increases in salary or benefits.

2014-04 Executive Order establishing a task force to conduct feasibility study and make recommendations on the consolidation of the City of Tulsa Parks Department and the Tulsa County Parks Department

2014-03 Executive Order Human Resources, Post Employment Health Plan, revising the frequency of meetings and Committee membership requirements (Supersedes Executive Order 2005-01)

2014-02 Executive Order rescinding Executive Order 2014-1 in its entirety; renaming the Office of Economic Development as the Mayor's Office of Economic Development; renaming both the Division of Community and Economic Development and the Planning and Economic Development Department and transferring their economic development functions to the Mayor's Office of Economic Development; creation of the Asset Management Department and defining its functions; abolishing the Equipment Management Department and transferring  its functions to the Asset management Department; transferring the Water and Sewer Department to the Division of Administration; abolishing the Department of 911 Public Safety Communications and transferring its functions to the Tulsa Police Department; abolishing the Airport Department; transferring the Security Division within the Streets and Stormwater Department to the Asset Management Department within the Division of Administration.

2014-01 Executive Order Mayor's Office, Executive Order creating the Mayor's Office of Economic Development, renaming of the Planning and Economic Development Department and transferring functions, Abolishment of the department of 911 Public Safety Communications and transferring functions as a division of the Tulsa Police Department; abolishment of the Equipment Management Department and transferring functions; creation of the Asset Management Department; abolishment of the Airport Department; renaming the Division of Community and Economic Division; transfer the reporting of the Engineering Services Department and Streets and Storm Water Department to the Director of Community Development; transfer the reporting of the Director of the Water and Sewer Department to the City Manager. (Rescinded by 2014-02)

2013-03 Executive Order establishing the Human Resources Safety Oversight Committee (Rescinds and Supersedes 2006-01) Rescinded by 2015-06

2013-02 Executive Order removing bridge 314 from the National Bridge Inspections Standards (NBIS) Bridge Inventory maintained by the State of Oklahoma

2013-01 Executive Order establishing fees for Records; Superseding public notice of charges for reproduction contained in Appendix A to Executive Order No 1995-04.

2012-09 Executive Order establishing a basic policy for all City of Tulsa travel

2012-08 Executive Order Rescinding Executive Order 2011-03 and Affirming commitment to Upholding City Charter 

2012-07 Executive Order Terminating Stage I - Voluntary Water Use Restrictions

2012-06 Executive Order implementing Stage 1 Voluntary Water Use Restrictions

2012-05 Executive Order creating the Division of Community and Economic Development, the Division of Administration, the Division of Public Facilities and Transportation, and the Office of Economic Development; the abolishment of the Policy Research and Performance, Community Development and Education Initiative; Economic and Real Estate Development; Division of Technology and Division of Operations.

2012-04 Executive Order establishing a Fleet Management Steering Committee (Rescinding Executive Order 2011-14)

2012-03 Executive Order superseding Executive Order No. 2010-03, 911 Public Safety Communications, Establishing Management Control of the Tulsa Police Department Over Certain Aspects and Functions of 911 Public Safety Communications Operations, Pursuant to FBI and NCIC Requirements

2012-02 Executive Order Creating the Mayor's Film and Music Advisory Board of Tulsa

2012-01 Executive Order Creating a New Department of 911 Public Safety Communications; Transfer of Assignment of Functions

2011-15 Executive Order Establishing the Mayor's Intergenerational Commission

2011-14 Executive Order Establishing a Fleet Management Steering Committee (Rescinded by Executive Order 2012-04)

2011-13 Executive Order Terminating Stage 1- Voluntary Conservation Restrictions

2011-12 Executive Order Implementing Stage I - Voluntary Water Use Restrictions

2011-11 Executive Order Rescinding Executive Order 2011-07 and Abolishing the Public Works Department and Creating the New Department of Water and Sewer, the New Department of  Streets and Stormwater, and the New Department of Engineering, and the New Customer Care Center

2011-10 Executive Order Abolishing the Department of Grants Administration and Reassignment of Functions and Duties

2011-09 Executive Order Creating the Office of Strategy and Risk Management

2011-08 Executive Order Creating the Department of Planning and Economic Development, Transferring and Assigning Functions, Abolishing the Current Planning Department, The Development Services Department, and the Department of Economic Real Estate and Development

2011-07 Executive Order Abolishing the Public Works Department and Creating the New Department of Water and Sewer, the New Department of Streets and Stormwater, and the new Office of Customer Care (Rescinded by Executive Order 2011-11)


2011-05 Executive Order Creation of the Position of City Manager

2011-04 Executive Order Exception to Title 6, Chapter 4 TRO for the Implementation of United States Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Funded Housing Programs

2011-03 Executive Order Prohibiting all City of Tulsa Employees from Certain Political Activities

2011-02 Executive Order Prohibiting City of Tulsa Employees from Certain Political Activities (Superseded by 2011-03)

2011-01 Executive Order Creation of the Collaborative Government Advisory Committee, (Rescinds and Replaces Executive Order 2010-04)

2010-05 Executive Order Transfer Certain Functions to Municipal Court-Early Settlement Program

2010-04 Executive Order Creation of The Collaborative Government Advisory Committee  (Rescinded and replaced by 2011-01)

2010-03 Executive Order Establishing Management Relations between Public Safety Commission Operations and Tulsa Police Department

2010-02 Executive Order Creation of the New Office of Sustainability

2010-01 Executive Order Prohibiting Employees from texting while driving

2009-09 Executive Order Establishment of a Standards, Specifications and Awards Committee for the City of Tulsa (Supersedes Executive Order 90-03)

2009-08 Executive Order Reorganizing the Grants Administration Department and Transferring Certain Functions to the Human Rights Department (Amends 2008-03, 2007-02, and 2006-2)

2009-07 Executive Order Creation of New Department of Supply of Chain Management (Rescinded on 11/16/09)

2009-06 Executive Order Creation of 311 Tulsa Care (Rescinded on 11/16/09)

2009-05 Executive Order Establish the Downtown Coordinating Council

2009-04 Executive Order Mayor's Veterans Advisory Center - Creates and defines the duties of the Mayor's Veterans Advisory Center

2009-03 Executive Order Add two additional members to the Mayor's Audit Committee, as well as the Mayor and City Auditor as ex officio members (Supersedes 92-05) (Repealed by 2015-02)

2009-02 Executive Order Vendor Order Purchase Requirements

2009-01 Executive Order Establishing the City's Identity Theft Prevention Policy

2008-05 Executive Order Temporary Suspension of Animal Shelter Euthanasia Services to Outside Agencies and Non Residents of the City of Tulsa

2008-04 Executive Order Authorization for City Animal Control Offices to Issue Citations for Violations of Title 21 TRO Section 2001

2008-03 Executive Order Creation of Grants Administration Department to provide coordination and oversight for the City's grant Administration Process

2008-02 Executive Order Abolishment of Employee Benefits Committee. All functions previously performed by the Committee shall be performed as internal administrative functions. Executive Order 08-01 previously abolished the Employee Benefits Committee (EBC) and its duties, but failed to repeal Executive Order 96-03.  Executive Orders 96-03 and 08-01 will be repealed and superseded by this Executive Order

2008-01 Executive Order Repealing Orders 90-02, 94-02 and 95-03 which created and modified the Employee Benefits Committee (EBC) and its duties.  The Committee interviewed negotiated and recommended providers and benefit designs to the Mayor for approval. All functions previously performed by the Committee shall be performed as internal administrative functions

2007-03 Executive Order Establishment of an administrative policy directing Tulsa Parks Department to submit quarterly recommendations for maintenance plans for trees in Tulsa Parks and placing the maintenance, trimming and removal of trees under the authority of the Tree Advisory Committee

2007-02 Executive Order Amending executive order 2006-02 and Instructing the Human Rights Director to report directly to the Mayor

2007-01 Executive Order Amending executive order 2006-03; providing for the transfer of the oversite and assignment of functions of the City of Tulsa Animal Shelter from the Tulsa Police Department to the Working in Neighborhood Department

2006-05 Executive Order NIMS Implementation Plan - Establishment of Administrative Procedure 

2006-04 Executive Order Management Relations between Public Safety Communications and Tulsa Police Department, Establishing management control for the Tulsa Police Department over certain aspects of pubic safety communications operation

2006-03 Executive Order Establishment of Working in Neighborhoods, the Planning Department, and the Communications Department; Renaming the Technology and Information Services Department 

2006-02 Executive Order Establishment of Division of Policy Research and Performance, Division of Community Development and Education Initiatives, Division of Economic and Real Estate Development, Division of Technology; renaming and restructuring the Operating Division, abolishing the Administrative Division  

2006-01 Executive Order Establishment of Safety and Health Management Committee (Supersedes 2005-05)

2005-06 Executive Order Establishment of Public-Private Partnership Guidelines

2005-05 Executive Order Establishment of Safety and Health Management Committee (Supersedes 93-22) 

2005-04 Executive Order Affirming the City of Tulsa's commitment Fair Contracting for Vision 2025 Projects 

2005-03 Executive Order Rescinded. Superseded by 2023-04.

2005-02 Executive Order Establishing policy for Release of Sensitive Retail and Economic Development Studies and/or Information

2005-01 Executive Order Establishing Plan and Advisory Committee Post Employment Health Plan (PEHP) Rescinded July 2014

2004-02 Executive Order Competitive Selection for Professional and Professional Consulting Services, Supplementing, Indexing, and Confirming Policies and Procedures Requirements

2004-01 Executive Order Establishing administrative procedure Information Protection Protocol

2003-08 Executive Order Surplus City Property, Authorization for Larry Hood, Purchasing Agent, to Sign Documents Transferring Title to 

2003-07 Executive Order Establishing guidelines for Grant Applications and Awards (Repeals 91-04)

2003-06 Executive Order Administrative Directive for Maintaining Control of City Owned Property  (Supersedes 92-17) 

2003-05 Executive Order Urban Development Division, Creation of Urban Development Division of the Public Works and Development Department, Creation of the position of Deputy Director of the Urban Development Division (Amends 2003-04)

2003-04 Executive Order Abolishing the Urban Development Department and assigning its functions and personnel to the Public Works Department and renaming the Public Works Department to Public Works and Development Department (Amended by 2003-05)

2003-03 Executive Order Combining the Performing Arts Center Department and Tulsa Convention Center Department and the functions and personnel of both into a single department called Tulsa Convention Center and Performing Arts Department

2003-02 Executive Order Establishing administrative procedure Protective Measures for Critical Infrastructure

2003-01 Executive Order Establishing requirements Take Home Vehicle Policy and Procedures

2002-02 Executive Order Amendment of Charitable Giving (Rescinds 2001-02)
2002-01 Executive Order Establishment of Responsibilities and Requirements Networks and Computer Systems Security

2001-02 Executive Order Establishing requirements Charitable Giving (Rescinded by 2002-02)
2001-01 Executive Order Amendment of Food Purchasing Policy (Supersedes 95-05)

1999-03 Executive Order Establishment of Board of Trustees Deferred Compensation Program
1999-02 Executive Order Abolishment of Information Services Department and assignment of its functions and employee to the Telecommunications Department and renaming the Telecommunications Department to Telecommunications/Information Services Department
1999-01 Executive Order Transferring of Code Enforcement Division

1997-02  Executive Order Abolishment of General Services Department
1997-01  Executive Order Establishing Management Control of the Tulsa Police Department over Certain Aspects of, Pursuant to Federal Bureau of Investigations and National Crime Information Center Requirements (Supersedes 92-14)

1996-04  Executive Order Procedure Write-Off of Uncollected Receivables
1996-03 Executive Order Establishment of Employee Benefits Committee (Repeals 95-03)
1996-02 Executive Order Procedure Other Than Executive Order for Future Appointment and Removal of City of Tulsa and Tulsa City-County Health Department Employees Authorized to Issue for Violations of Certain Municipal Ordinances
1996-01 Executive Order Procedure for Future Appointment and Removal by Method Other Than Executive Order Deputy City Clerks

1995-06 Executive Order Establishment of Travel Policy
1995-05 Executive Order Establishment of Food Purchase Policy (Supersedes 91-18)
1995-04 Executive Order Establishing Administrative Procedures Governing Open Records Policy
1995-03 Executive Order Establishment of Employee Benefits Committee (Repeals 94-02 and Repealed by 96-03)
1995-02 Executive Order Authorizing the Chief of Police to Appoint, Command and Control Municipal Reserve Police Officers
1995-01 Executive Order Authorization for Certain Urban Development, Public Works, and Airports Department Employees to Issue Code Citations for Violations of Certain Municipal Ordinances

1994-14 Executive Order Deputy Court Clerks, Procedure for Future Appointment and Removal of by Method Other Than Executive Order
1994-13 Executive Order Deputy Court Clerks, Appointment and Removal of Certain Police Department and Municipal Court Department Personnel
1994-12 Executive Order Authorization for Certain Urban Development, Public Works, Police, Fire, and Tulsa City-County Health Department Employees to Issue Code Citations for Violations of Certain Municipal Ordinances
1994-11 Executive Order Deputy Court Clerks, Appointment and Removal of Certain Police Department Personnel
1994-10 Executive Order Deputy Court Clerks, Appointment of Certain Police Department and Finance Department Personnel
1994-09 Executive Order Deputy Court Clerks, Appointment of Certain Airports Department and Municipal Court Department Personnel
1994-08 Executive Order Deputy Court Clerks, Appointments and Removals of
1994-07 Executive Order Deputy Court Clerks, Appointment of Certain Finance Department Personnel
1994-06 Executive Order Deputy Court Clerks, Appointment of Certain Police Department Personnel
1994-05 Executive Order Establishment of Information Technology Advisory Board (Supersedes 93-13)
1994-04 Executive Order Appointment and Removal of Deputy Court Clerks
1994-03 Executive Order Urban Development Department, Creation of; Transfer and Assignment of Functions (Rescinded by the Mayor)
1994-02 Executive Order Establishment of Employee Benefits Committee  (Repeals 90-02)(Repealed by 95-03)
1994-01 Executive Order Security Requirement (Federal Aviation Regulation 107), Transfer and Assignment from Police Department to Airports Department 

1993-22 Executive Order Establishment of Safety and Health Management Committee (Repealed by 2005-05)
1993-21 Executive Order Deputy Court Clerks, Removal of Certain Police Department Personnel
1993-20 Executive Order Appointment of Michael P. Kier City Treasurer (Rescinds 93-16) (Superceded by 2019-1)
1993-19 Executive Order Appointment of Michael P. Kier City Clerk (Rescinds 93-15)
1993-18 Executive Order Deputy Court Clerks, Appointments and Removals of, including Certain Police Department Personnel
1993-17 Executive Order Surplus City Property, Authorization for John Ogren, Purchasing Agent, to Sign Documents Transferring Title to
1993-16 Executive Order City Treasurer, Appointment of Robert G. Lemons as Acting (Rescinds 93-09) (Rescinded by 93-20)
1993-15 Executive Order Appointment of Robert G. Lemons as Acting City Clerk (Rescinds 90-01) (Rescinded by 93-19)
1993-14 Executive Order Appointment of Robert G. Lemons as Acting Director of Finance (Rescinded by Appointment of Michael P. Kier as Director of Finance)
1993-13 Executive Order Establishment of Information Technology Advisory Board (Supersedes 93-08) (Superseded by 94-05)
1993-12 Executive Order Deputy Court Clerks, Appointment of Certain Police Department Personnel
1993-11 Executive Order Deputy Court Clerks, Appointment of Certain Police Department Personnel (correcting a scrivener's error contained in Executive Order 92-02) (Download)
1993-10 Executive Order Deputy Court Clerks, Appointment of Certain Police Department Personnel
1993-09 Executive Order Appointment of Ronald L. Payne City Treasurer (Rescinds 92-07) (Rescinded by 93-16)
1993-08 Executive Order Establishment of Information Technology Advisory Board (Supersedes 93-03) (Superseded by 93-13)
1993-07 Executive Order Appointment of Cynthia Lower Deputy City Treasurer
1993-06 Executive Order Appointments and Removals of Deputy Court Clerks
1993-05 Executive Order Abolishment of Office Services Department; Transfer and Assignment of Functions
1993-04 Executive Order Administrative Division and Operating Division, Creating for the Management of the Departments of the City, to Exclude Police Department and Fire Department as Departments under the Operating Division (Amends 92-10)
1993-03 Executive Order Establishment of Information Technology Advisory Board (Rescinds 90-06) (Superseded by 93-08)
1993-02 Executive Order Appointments and Removals of Deputy Court Clerks
1993-01 Executive Order Appointment of Members Municipal Employees Retirement Plan Board of Trustees

1992-19 Executive Order Human Rights Department, Designation to Assist Human Rights Commission; and Compliance Official and ADA Compliance Official, Designation of
1992-18 Executive Order Appointments and Removals of Deputy Court Clerks
1992-17 Executive Order Administrative Directive for Maintaining Control of City-Owned Property (Superseded by 2003-06)
1992-16 Executive Order Establishment of Policy Recycled Paper Purchase
1992-15 Executive Order Authorizing Ronald Harvey and William Fry to Issue Code Citations for the Purpose of Enforcing Certain Penal Provisions of the Tulsa Revised Ordinances (Download)
1992-14 Executive Order Public Safety Communications Operations, Establishing Management Control of the Tulsa Police Department over Certain Aspects of, Pursuant to Federal Bureau of Investigations and National Crime Information Center Requirements, Dated 6-30-92 (Supersedes 92-14 dated 6-12-92) (Superseded by 97-01)
1992-13 Executive Order Administrative Division and Operating Division, Creating for the Management of the Departments of the City, to Include Finance Department under the Administrative Division (Amends 92-10)
1992-12 Executive Order Deputy Court Clerks, Appointment of Certain Fire Department Personnel
1992-11 Executive Order Public Safety Response Center, Consolidating Police Department and Fire Department PSRC and 911 Management Functions and Appointing Dale S. LeStourgeon as Interim Operations Manager
1992-10 Executive Order Administrative Division and Operating Division, Creating for the Management of the Departments of the City (Amended by 92-13 and 93-04)
1992-09 Executive Order Deputy Court Clerks, Appointment of Certain Police Department Personnel
1992-08 Executive Order Deputy Court Clerks, Appointment of Certain Public Works Department Personnel

1992-07 Executive Order City Treasurer, Appointment of M. Diana Thomas (Rescinds 90-09) (Rescinded by 93-09)
1992-06 Executive Order Tree Management, Establishment of a Procedure for all City Departments
1992-05 Executive Order Mayor's Audit Committee, Creation of (Repealed by 2015-02)
1992-04 Executive Order Deputy Court Clerks, Appointment of Certain Police Department Personnel
1992-03 Executive Order Urban Development Department, Creation of; Transfer and Assignment of Functions (see Executive Order 94-03)
1992-02 Executive Order Deputy Court Clerks, Appointments and Removals of Police Department Personnel (see Executive Order 93-11)
1992-01 Executive Order Code Citations, Authorization for Ellen Hinchee and Todd Grueneich to Issue for Violations of Certain Municipal Ordinances

1991-21 Real Estate Functions, Establishment of Centralized
1991-20 Contributions and Donations Policy, Establishment of
1991-19 Deputy Court Clerks, Appointments and Removals of
1991-18 Food Purchase Policy, Establishment of (Superseded by 95-05)
1991-17 Code Citations, Authorization for Frank Erwin to Issue for Violations of Certain Municipal Ordinances
1991-16 Municipal Court Clerk, Appointment of Anne Thompson (Repeals 91-09)
1991-15 Deputy Court Clerks, Appointments of 
1991-14 Code and Enforcement Official, to Conduct Hearings on Notices to Abate Nuisances, Appointment of Dwain Midget as Alternate (Download)
1991-13 Deputy Court Clerks, Appointment of Certain Police Department Personnel
1991-12 Deputy Court Clerks, Appointments of
1991-11 Deputy City Clerks, Appointment of Charlotte Bates and Suzie Grove
1991-10 Deputy Court Clerks, Appointments of
1991-09 Municipal Court Clerk, Appointment of Ronald L. Payne, and Deputy Court Clerk, Appointment of Anne Thompson (Repealed by 91-16)
1991-08 Deputy Court Clerks, Appointment of Certain Police Department Personnel
1991-07 Deputy Court Clerks, Appointments and Removals of
1991-06 Code Citations, Authorization for Jack Edwards and Fred Ballard to Issue for Violations of Certain Municipal Ordinances (Download)
1991-05 Holiday for City Employees, Declaration of March 29, 1991 
1991-04 Grant Review Process, Guidelines for Implementation of (Repealed by 2003-07)
1991-03 Deputy Court Clerk, Appointment of
1991-02 Deputy Court Clerks, Appointment of Certain Police Department Personnel
1991-01 Code Citations, Authorization for Certain Urban Development, Public Works, Police, Fire, and Tulsa City-County Health Department Employees to Issue for Violations of Certain Municipal Ordinances; and Identification Cards, City Clerk to Issue

1990-22 Deputy Court Clerks, Appointment of Certain Police Department Personnel
1990-21 Investment Policy, Establishment of
1990-20 Deputy Court Clerks, Appointments of
1990-19 Deputy Court Clerks, Appointment of Certain Police Department Personnel
1990-18 Uniform Provisions (Employee), Establishment of a Personnel Policies and Procedures Section to Govern
1990-17 Contractors Prequalification Committee, Establishment of
1990-16 Deputy Court Clerks, Appointment of Certain Police Department Personnel
1990-15 Deputy Court Clerks, Appointments of
1990-14 Code Citations, Authorization for Certain Urban Development, Public Works, and Tulsa City-County Health Department Employees to Issue for Violations of Certain Municipal Ordinances
1990-13 Deputy Court Clerks, Appointments and Revocations of
1990-12 Consultant Services (Professional), Administrative Procedure for Obtaining (Amends 90-08)
1990-11 Code and Enforcement Official, to Conduct Hearings on Notices to Abate Nuisances, Appointment of Anne Thompson, and Lei Lani Armstrong as Alternate
1990-10 Public Improvements or Maintenance Contracts, Designation of Charles Hardt to Approve Specifications and Addenda Thereto (Download)
1990-9 City Treasurer, Appointment of Ronald L. Payne (Rescinded by 92-07)
1990-8 Consultant Services (Professional), Administrative Procedure for Obtaining (Amended by 90-12-90)
1990-7 Public Works Bid Committee, Establishment of
1990-6 Information Technology Advisory Board, Establishment of (Superseded by 93-03)
1990-5 Architectural and Engineering Services, Establishment of an Administrative Procedure for Selection
1990-4 Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual, Establishment of
1990-3 Standards, Specifications and Awards Committee, Establishment of (Superseded by EO 2009-09)
1990-2 Employee Benefits Committee, Establishment of (Repealed by 94-02)
1990-1 City Clerk, Appointment of Ronald L. Payne (Rescinded by 93-15)